Where Can I Hire Phone Charging Lockers?


Mobile phone charging stations are becoming an increasingly popular addition throughout the UK and beyond. Why? Well, our smartphones are a hugely important part of our life. They keep us connected to our loved ones, allow us to tend to business on the go and what’s more, they allow us to instantly gain answers and/or knowledge through the world wide web in just a few clicks. It’s safe to say our phones are an extension of ourselves and as such, ensuring they’re charged and connected is paramount. 

Wide Range Of Mobile Phone Charging Station

Here at ChargeSpot UK, we provide an array of mobile phone charging stations, from small compact charging stations to larger lockers able to handle the load of multiple phones. The question most asked by customers however, is where to hire phone charging lockers? Where can they be used and where would they most suit being placed? We have customers ask us time and again if their boutique store would benefit from having a compact phone charging station? Would a large shopping centre benefit from multiple phone charging lockers? To answer this question fully, we decided to create this article that would give you an idea of some of the most popular locations where our phone charging stations are located. Here goes: 

Shopping Centres

Shopping centres are the ideal place for a phone charging station. People head to shopping centres with the intention of spending time there. Giving them the opportunity to charge their phones only gives them more opportunity to spend even more time there.


From music festivals to food festivals, festivals are a place where people use their phones a huge amount. Whether they’re videoing their favourite act, sending pictures and messages to friends or simply shouting about their exploits on social media; festival goers need to stay connected. Give them the ability to recharge and their continued presence will thank you for it.

Sporting Events

Sporting events from fun runs to tough mudders, regional tournaments and even country fairs will always draw a huge crowd. From participants to guests, ensuring they can keep themselves charged and online will only allow them to stay longer and enjoy your event all the more.

Boutique Stores

While many feel a phone charging station would only benefit larger shopping areas, we know that boutique stores, newsagents and other small retail outlets benefit from the presence of a charging station. This is simply down to encouraging people in off the street who otherwise wouldn’t venture in. It’s advertising in its simplest form.


People generally spend a prolonged amount of time in supermarkets, which makes phone charging stations an ideal addition. Allow people to place their phone in a locker to charge while they wander off to shop uninterrupted. 


From career fairs to art exhibitions, wherever there’s a crowd, we guarantee they’ll be a need to charge a phone. 

Mobile Phone Charging Lockers For Any Location

If you’re looking for quality public phone charging lockers for your establishment or event, simply contact us at ChargeSpot UK today on 07940 032344. Our team will be on hand to ensure you enjoy quality phone charging stations, first class customer service and of course, value for money every time. 

Jason Singh